About Lindfield Care Farm
Lindfield is a working farm, established in 2004, We provide a person centred enabling service as a resource for people who have learning, physical or mental disabilities. We are a forward thinking organisation. Our small farm, gardens, woodland and indoor workshops provide a progressive work style environment for stimulating personal and social development.
Lindfield provides quality care, skills for work and living and a wide range of activities for people with disabilities, whose needs are best met by an active approach to life and learning and who require a safe environment in which to receive care and support. Individual, flexible support programmes can be arranged.
Our main focus is on providing opportunities to gain life building skills and experiences through practical tasks, teamwork and through working alone. We feel that supported learning through success and failure is a key part of learning and that failure heightens the feeling of success and the fulfilment of a goal once achieved. Passing on information of achievements and of what went wrong gives a great sense of self-importance and self-worth. Feeling that you have achieved something is only possible if you have had to work for it.
Time should always be made to relax. It is important to all of us. At Lindfield we can offer many different ways of relaxing in some beautiful surroundings, watching the animals, or maybe just sitting with a cup of tea watching other people work.
Service users may like to continue with an outside interest or hobby whilst at Lindfield - this can nearly always be catered for. Whether it is something special like making a display shelf, cleaning their golf clubs, or making an air fix model, to painting or messy activities that may not be that easy to cater for at home. In our workshop we have the tools and equipment to do most woodwork, crafts or hobby and leisure activities, as well as outside venues to sit and paint, draw or just relax when the weather allows.
Our friendly animals need feeding and cleaning regularly and are always happy to have company and a stroke or brush or just to listen to a friendly voice.
On a working farm, there is always work to be done and we are pleased if our service users can be involved with building the enclosures or housing for new arrivals or helping to make bird boxes and feeding tables for the numerous wild birds that come to us for food. If physical work is not possible, ideas and opinions can be a big contribution in developing a scheme and a foreman is often required. There is plenty to do at Lindfield and plenty to be involved in. We aim to create an atmosphere of belonging and value all contributions to the daily success of our Farm.